scenography, speculative design
Quarter Studio is an experimental photography studio aiming to produce a maximum four-member family photo. The studio is composed of four similar spaces. Maximum four random visitors each enter a different space, after which a photo is taken. The four separate photos will be merged to form one family photo and will be archived on a website. The studio allows four people to instantly interact with each other and participate in the same activity without any physical contact.
As well as social distancing, two additional factors are considered in approaching this project. The first is facilitating the interaction, communication, and participation of people in the same activity via an intriguing installation. We believe spatial design has the most influential power to gather people and form a place of discussion. Therefore, the main methodology of this project is based on spatial design. The second factor denotes a reinterpretation of the concept of traditional family into a new type of instant family, which seems to be more fitting to our generation. This project aims to promote social engagement and public activity while examining how people of this generation view the concept of family. Furthermore, the project investigates the perception of isolated people regarding the ideal family concept, who do not feel fulfilled on their own.